Dear Friend,
Each morning we wake up to face problems that threaten to overwhelm
us…financial worries, health issues, relationship crisis…and we can't be
certain what the new day will bring.
Thankfully, God is bigger than any problem you will ever face. In the Bible,
He has made many promises to those who love and obey Him: freedom from
fear, peace, protection, provision, guidance, and deliverance. But you can't
claim any of God's promises if you don't know Him…
The Bible says, "But when the right time came, God sent His Son…God did
this…so we could become His children…God sent the Spirit of His Son into
your hearts, and the Spirit cries out, "Father." So now you…are God's child,
and God will give you the blessing He promised, because you are His child"
(Galatians 4:4-7).
All you have to do to become God's child today is believe that…
Jesus Christ is God's Son.
He lived a sinless life.
He accepted the punishment for your sins by allowing Himself to be
crucified on a cross.
God raised Him to life again in three days.
You are a sinner who needs to escape the punishment of your sins.
You want Jesus to be your Savior and Lord.
When you ask Jesus to save you from your sins and be the Lord of your life,
you inherit all the promises of God including His promise of living with Him in
Heaven forever after you die.
Would you like to become God's child right now? Then just say this simple prayer:
"Jesus, You loved me so much that You gave Your life for me. I believe You
are God's Son. I believe You lived a sinless life and that You died for my sins.
I believe You rose from the dead so that I can live forever with You in Heaven.
Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I invite you to be my Savior and Lord.
Thank You for making me a child of God."
If you just said these words and believed them in your heart, then you are now
God's child and an heir to all of His promises. Welcome to the family! The angels
in Heaven are rejoicing over YOU at this very moment!
Spread this gift to everyone who needs to receive it!!!
Each morning we wake up to face problems that threaten to overwhelm
us…financial worries, health issues, relationship crisis…and we can't be
certain what the new day will bring.
Thankfully, God is bigger than any problem you will ever face. In the Bible,
He has made many promises to those who love and obey Him: freedom from
fear, peace, protection, provision, guidance, and deliverance. But you can't
claim any of God's promises if you don't know Him…
The Bible says, "But when the right time came, God sent His Son…God did
this…so we could become His children…God sent the Spirit of His Son into
your hearts, and the Spirit cries out, "Father." So now you…are God's child,
and God will give you the blessing He promised, because you are His child"
(Galatians 4:4-7).
All you have to do to become God's child today is believe that…
Jesus Christ is God's Son.
He lived a sinless life.
He accepted the punishment for your sins by allowing Himself to be
crucified on a cross.
God raised Him to life again in three days.
You are a sinner who needs to escape the punishment of your sins.
You want Jesus to be your Savior and Lord.
When you ask Jesus to save you from your sins and be the Lord of your life,
you inherit all the promises of God including His promise of living with Him in
Heaven forever after you die.
Would you like to become God's child right now? Then just say this simple prayer:
"Jesus, You loved me so much that You gave Your life for me. I believe You
are God's Son. I believe You lived a sinless life and that You died for my sins.
I believe You rose from the dead so that I can live forever with You in Heaven.
Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I invite you to be my Savior and Lord.
Thank You for making me a child of God."
If you just said these words and believed them in your heart, then you are now
God's child and an heir to all of His promises. Welcome to the family! The angels
in Heaven are rejoicing over YOU at this very moment!
Spread this gift to everyone who needs to receive it!!!