
Sowing to reap the karmic retribution

I don't know who if anyone reads this blog, but it's not a big deal b/c I seriously need to vent.

If you were raised a Christian than you were always taught the fundamentals of "You reap what you sow" just as Buddhists believe in Karma. If if you are not familiar with either of these religions you've always heard the old adage " What goes around comes around." I've always been a strong believer in the whole " you reap what you sow" philosophy be it good or bad, but I had to wonder one day how does this REALLY work? I know we all do some bad things b/c nobody is perfect or all rainbows and light, but I believe that I do a lot of good in this world. Don't get me wrong, I don't go looking for pats on the back or for benefits for the things I do. Anything and everything I do is from the heart b/c that's the type of person I am. I don't know where I got that from b/c I don't believe my mom has a charitable bone in her body. I'm getting sidetracked. That's another topic for another day.

It just seems that when some people do bad things, they never " get it back" just as some people seem to live life like its golden from their good seed being sown. Personally, I'm tired of never seeing anything positive come my way. I sow friendship and charity, I reap mistreatment, underhandedness and hardship. I might be selfish but I would like to reap some of that good I've put out. I'd like for the positivity, love, charity, etc to come back around like it went around. I don't have a hard, tough or particulary bad life at all. It would just be nice to see something positive or happy come around every now and then.
