
A Hot Mess

I feel bad. I started to say horrible but that would have been an exaggeration. My glands are swollen in my neck which means I can't prop my hand up b/c its sore. Nor can I put a shirt on without it catching the gland right under my chin. To top that all off, my face is all red and blotchy with the ugliest spots I've ever seen on and around my nose. They have this weird stinging sensation that's just not all that fun to experience. My right side upper lip is swollen b/c NOW I have what ever this is on my inner lip. My mom swears it was the strawberries, but I've never been allergic to strawberries. I think it may have been a treatment I had on my face, but that would only explain the facial part. I have no idea why my gland are so swollen and painful. I took some medicine that knocked me out for the better part of 10hrs and I woke up feeling ok except my neck was more painful. Whenever I can get to the pharmacist, I hope this prescription works.

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