
Lucky charms aren't the only things Magically delicious

I cannot figure out why I have suddenly developed this undying craving for MILK DUDS. I't's not premenstrual or preggo so that is strange. I'm sitting here the other day minding my business. I had just made a conscious decision to eat better when (((BAM))) Milk Dud craving. I'm not talking about " oh that would be good right now" or " I havent had a Milk Dud in ages" type craving. I'm talking full blown crack addict, I need a hit craving. I had to have those MDs and I went to get the MDs. That was a bad move. I should have just tried my best to ride out the wave until it passed but alas I caved and gave into it. I read an article on MSN about a week ago that was trying to link the desire for sweet, salty foods with ear infections as a child. I'm not buying it. Yes I had ear infections as a small child. I've even had one as an adult.. Though I'd rather eat those than a real meal, I'm not gonna try to put my love for candy and chips on that. I'm just a junk food junkie. *le sigh* Why isn't there a support group for THAT??

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